Tag: UV
Skin cancer rates on a rise in Belgium
With summer in sight and sunshine available in abundance, you must be excited to be out in parks and on beaches and soak in all the sun. But, before you do that, think again, is being in the sun really that healthy? 1 out of 5 Belgians will have skin cancer by the age of…
Why sunscreen is important for UV-protection year-round
Did you know that getting a sunburn just once every two years can triple your risk of melanoma (source: Cancer Research UK)? For this reason, sunscreen is essential in the fight against skin cancer.
Why you should use sun protection year-round
It’s easy to remember skin protection when the sun is out or when you’re headed to a beach holiday, but on the cloudy days or during the winter doldrums, it’s harder to remember. But even when the sun is hiding, it can still do damage. That’s why skin protection is something to stay vigilant about…
Health Series Chapter 3: why we all have a love/hate relationship with the sun
Why does something we love have the potential to cause us so much pain? While the sun makes life on earth possible, the risks of sun exposure, we are learning more and more, far outweigh the benefits.
To tan or not to tan – The risks and benefits
These days we all know about the dangers of sun exposure – it can lead to skin damage, skin cancer, and melanoma. But not so long ago it was advised to get a “healthy” tan and to soak up the sun to stay looking and feeling good. This is further complicated by the latest news…
Australians beware: sunscreen may not be enough to protect your skin
Australians have had the message about Slip, Slop, Slap for more than 30 years and for many of us, putting on sunscreen is a daily part of getting ready to face the often harsh and hot sun we are exposed to. But a new study has indicated that sunscreen may not be offering us the…
Finding balance in chasing vitamin D and avoiding skin cancer
The UK might be one of the most cultural, cosmopolitan and diverse countries in the world, but it’s not renowned for the exceptional levels of sunshine. In fact, it’s quite the opposite, the gloomy and grey climates encourage Brits to seek out the sun as often as they can. With the damaging effects of sun…
Overlooked parts of the body: skin cancer on the sole of your feet
When it comes to staying safe against skin cancer, it is well known that using sunblock, staying in the shade, covering up and keeping out of the sun during the hottest part of the day is essential. We also know to perform regular skin checks to catch any symptoms of skin cancer and melanoma early…
Looking after your skin even as the sun goes down
Most of us are familiar with that feeling after exposure to sunlight or a tanning bed – that slight heat and tightness that indicates we probably should not have stayed out quite so long. But we are likely to be consoling ourselves that the damage is done and nothing can be done about it now that we…
An Australian guide to staying in the shade
With summer fast approaching it’s important that Australians find ways to seek shade during the hours of the day where we’re exposed to the most UV.