Tag: Moles

  • Are melanoma moles painful?

    Do you have a sore mole? Melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer, commonly appears from either new or existing moles. There are several symptoms of melanoma to be aware of, pain being one of them. When melanoma forms, a mole can become painful.

  • Are moles dangerous?

    Are moles dangerous? In and of themselves, moles are not dangerous. A mole is just an area of skin with extra pigment. The pigment gathers in a rounded shape, which is sometimes raised, and this is the mole.

  • Skin moles

    The majority of the population in the world has them: moles. Skin moles are therefore not dangerous by itself, but that could change over time. As moles remain a mystery to most of us, and we get a lot of questions about them, we take a closer look to this phenomenon that appears on our…

  • Skin mole check

    Conducting a simple skin mole check on your skin at least once every month is the perfect way to help you to notice any changes that might be happening and to have them checked out at an early stage. Your skin mole check should be based on the same checks that your doctor would carry…

  • Skin moles treatment: what are your options for mole removal?

    While usually moles are harmless and don’t require treatment, sometimes a mole may need to be removed if it poses a risk for skin cancer or for aesthetic reasons. In this post, we look at a few options for skin moles treatment, once your dermatologist has identified a dangerous mole or you have identified a…

  • Types of skin moles and how to know if they’re safe

    While for many of us moles are just brown spots on our body we may not pay much attention to, they come in various shapes, sizes, and forms that can tell us important things about our skin health. Understanding all types of skin moles helps us identify any suspicious spots for skin cancer and keep…

  • Our guide to calculating the number of moles on your body

    You may have heard (or read it right here) that scientists have discovered a new way to predict your chances of developing skin cancer – by counting the number of moles that you have on your right arm. It seems that the number of skin moles that you have on this one area of your body is a…

  • The color of your skin mole

    Mole color of your skin mole can be telling. Moles can be flat or raised, small or large – but usually, they are perfectly harmless. However, when your mole has a strange coloring, it is best to have a skin cancer check just to make sure that it hasn’t developed into a melanoma. Mole color can…