Category: Articles

  • To tan or not to tan – The risks and benefits

    These days we all know about the dangers of sun exposure – it can lead to skin damage, skin cancer, and melanoma. But not so long ago it was advised to get a “healthy” tan and to soak up the sun to stay looking and feeling good. This is further complicated by the latest news…

  • Healthy Skin: 10 foods that will improve skin health

    The following guide offers 10 foods that you should increase your consumption of in order to promote and maintain your healthy skin. It’s suggested that ‘you are what you eat’ and with this in mind, eating foods to promote health in specific areas makes sense. There are specific foods that will promote health in specific areas…

  • Skin photos reveal the true impact of the sun

    When you look in the mirror each day do you really see the true impact of the sun on your face? Or do you simply put on your make-up and get on with your day? Most of us do the latter. But a new project is showing us the beauty of the depth of our…

  • Skin care routine: Best times for sunscreen, moisturiser and night cream

    Skincare routines may seem laborious and time-consuming, though there is a multitude of products that can ensure that your skin looks and feels fantastic with minimal effort. The key to managing skincare methods is to understand which products offer which benefits and when in the day they should be applied.

  • Australians beware: sunscreen may not be enough to protect your skin

    Australians have had the message about Slip, Slop, Slap for more than 30 years and for many of us, putting on sunscreen is a daily part of getting ready to face the often harsh and hot sun we are exposed to. But a new study has indicated that sunscreen may not be offering us the…

  • Are you pregnant? Keep a close look on skin cancer symptoms

    Pregnancy is an exciting time of growth, development, and changes to a woman’s body. Throughout pregnancy, women are advised to manage their health and wellbeing closely, to offer security for the unborn child and ease throughout the nine months gestation period. Healthy skin should be of utmost importance for pregnant women, both from an aesthetic…

  • Finding balance in chasing vitamin D and avoiding skin cancer

    The UK might be one of the most cultural, cosmopolitan and diverse countries in the world, but it’s not renowned for the exceptional levels of sunshine. In fact, it’s quite the opposite, the gloomy and grey climates encourage Brits to seek out the sun as often as they can. With the damaging effects of sun…

  • World Cancer Day: so what can you do?

    Raising awareness for skin cancer risk is one of our primary goals at SkinVision. Therefore we fully support World Cancer Day, which is happening today. It’s a worldwide campaign and its success depends on the support of the public: so what can you do?

  • Half of Queensland’s female students still attempt to tan

    New research from the Australian Secondary Students’ Alcohol and Drug survey shows that students in Queensland still attempt to tan in the summer. It seems they are ignoring the fact that tanning has a direct impact on skin cancer risk. The outcome of the survey reveals that it is primarily girls as opposed to boys…

  • Healthy Skin: how you can benefit from coconut oil

    Coconut oil is well known for its health and beauty benefits and in the last few years has become a staple in many homes, being used in home cooking, home beauty products, and home remedies. But how can it really benefit your skin? What specific skin complaints can coconut oil combat and how do you…