Category: Articles

  • How to get clear skin naturally

    With natural products flooding skincare aisles around the globe, there is no doubt that we are all becoming increasingly aware of the ways in which our skin health is tied to what we put in and on our bodies. Avoiding toxic chemicals and ingredients that can be potentially harmful is now an essential factor to…

  • Oily skincare tips: prevent and take care

    Most of us will experience oily skin at some point whether it is related to the hormonal changes of puberty or menopause or just because our skin is generally more oily than normal. Oily skin can lead to spots and acne at worst and can cause your makeup to slip and for you to have…

  • What is melanoma? The complete story

    Melanoma is the least common type of skin cancer, but it is the most deadly. According to the World Health Organisation, there are about 132,000 new cases of melanoma worldwide each year, and although it only accounts for approximately 1% of skin cancer cases, it is responsible for a large majority of skin cancer deaths.…

  • Types of skin moles and how to know if they’re safe

    Types of skin moles and how to know if they’re safe

    While for many of us moles are just brown spots on our body we may not pay much attention to, they come in various shapes, sizes, and forms that can tell us important things about our skin health. Understanding all types of skin moles helps us identify any suspicious spots for skin cancer and keep…

  • Skin signs that you are in need of some vitamin D

    We all know two things when it comes to our skin: we should never spend too long out in the sun because of the risk of skin cancer and we need sunlight to get enough vitamin D. These two facts may seem like they oppose each other directly. How on earth do you get enough…

  • The two kinds of skin types and how to identify yours

    When determining skin type, two different conversations quickly surface. There is the more beauty-focused skin type discussion that refers to how our skin feels, how much oil it produces and how it reacts to products (think: normal, dry, oily, etc.) and then there is the skin type discussion that focuses on how our skin reacts…

  • Skin check Auckland: what are your options?

    When it comes to looking after your skin health, regular skin checks need to be part of your routine. Especially when you live in an area where UV exposure levels are high, as well as skin cancer incidence. New Zealand is an example of that kind of high-risk country. So what are your options when…

  • Skin health and how your skin can show signs of ill health

    You might not be overly keen on yoga and other “new age” ideas about our health. But according to Ayurveda, a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent, the way your body looks on the outside could be an excellent communicator for how your body is feeling on the inside. It makes great sense…

  • How to get healthy skin: skincare 101

    Skin health can sometimes seem like an elusive goal only attainable through secret potions and expensive creams. But the keys to healthy skin are often more obvious than we may think. In this post, we will give you a quick run-down of the basics you need to know on how to get healthy skin, and…

  • Skin cancer symptoms: what to look out for

    Most cancers have some quite obvious signs: lumps and bumps, tenderness, pain or sickness. But when it comes to skin cancer symptoms, they aren’t always as simple to identify. Skin cancer is growing slowly and often free of glaring warning signs. This means that the early detection of skin cancer can be tricky.