Author: Anu

  • Woman found out she had cancer by using a smartphone app

    Natalie Killian took matters into her own hands when doctors dismissed her fears. Everyone did back then,” says the 39-year-old graphic designer from Cannock, Staffordshire. “I felt better with a tan and the risks just weren’t publicised in the way they are now.” It’s something that Natalie, who is married to Jason, 43, and mum…

  • Many melanoma patients see a doctor when it’s too late

    Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, but if caught early, it’s highly treatable. Unfortunately, many studies find that patients are often diagnosed too late. Once cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, organs or bones, chances of survival drop significantly. That’s why early detection is key.

  • The importance of sun protection for builders and farmers

    More time spent under the sun can pose a higher risk for damage to our skin. It is entirely unsurprising that an increasing amount of studies show the link between outdoor jobs and a higher incidence of skin cancer. Particularly at risk are farmers and construction workers who usually spend the majority of their days…

  • How melanoma starts

    Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. The key to having possible treatment options is finding it early. That’s because melanoma can spread quickly, into other vital organs. This has to do with the way how melanoma starts.

  • Tanning 101 — why we tan and the connection to skin cancer

    Tanning is the body’s natural response to UV exposure. So why then, if it’s natural, is it so dangerous? The answer lies in why our skin tans in the first place. 

  • Sun exposure when pregnant — what’s important to know

    When you’re pregnant, you’ll be aware of the long list of dos and don’ts to keep both mother and baby happy and healthy. So where does sun exposure stand on that list? How much is needed or should it be avoided altogether? We delve into these questions, looking at the link between sun exposure and pregnancy.

  • Are melanoma moles painful?

    Do you have a sore mole? Melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer, commonly appears from either new or existing moles. There are several symptoms of melanoma to be aware of, pain being one of them. When melanoma forms, a mole can become painful.

  • Where is skin cancer most common on the body?

    Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, with 2 and 3 million non-melanoma skin cancers and 132,000 melanoma skin cancers occurring globally each year, according to the World Health Organization. Knowing where skin cancer normally appears and the warning signs can help you stay safe as early detection significantly increases chances of survival.…

  • How skin cancer is treated

    If you have been diagnosed you will be discussing skin cancer treatment options with your doctor. Of course, this depends on the type of skin cancer, the stage, and other factors. But it’s good to know which treatment options are commonly available and what they mean. In this article, we will describe how skin cancer…

  • Why you should use sun protection year-round

    It’s easy to remember skin protection when the sun is out or when you’re headed to a beach holiday, but on the cloudy days or during the winter doldrums, it’s harder to remember. But even when the sun is hiding, it can still do damage. That’s why skin protection is something to stay vigilant about…